Photographic days | workshops and conferences

Workshop: Creating Stories Through Photography


10/11 | Workshop “Creating Stories through Photography”

The main objective of the program is to show attendees some of the narrative possibilities of photography. Attendees will learn how to build a story with the camera.


In this 4-hour workshop, Maite will deal with audiovisual narrative, conceptualization, the relationship between technique and narrative and practical cases. The workshop combines a theoretical and participatory approach: on the one hand, narrative works by the author and other authors will be shown, and important concepts related to photographic narrative will be introduced. On the other hand, all the participants will analyze together the work of the attendees or ideas they have for projects.

Participants must bring:

Attendees should bring material as far as possible, either in printed format (paper or laboratory copies of their photographs with which they want to build a story) or digitally, on a memory stick, to project. They can bring “intangible” material: ideas, projects, written sketches for projects…

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I have a degree in Art History from the UB, an MA in Decorative Arts and Design from the Sotheby’s Institute in London and the Postgraduate Diploma “De les Arts de l’objecte al disseny contemporani” from the UB. I also have photography studies (Institut d’Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya, Barcelona, 1999-2002).

I have been dedicated to photography and the creation of visual projects since 2004. I work on personal and commissioned projects. I have self-published two books from the series Entre tú y yo (2014) and Lada Stories (2019). I have been co-curator of the exhibition Barcelona, photographic memory, produced by l’Ideal, Centre d’Arts Digitals. My work has been acquired by the Bassat Collection, the National Photography Collection, the Vila Casas Foundation, the Banc de Sabadell Foundation, the Caixa de Terrassa Foundation and the Tagomago Private Collection, among others.

I have been a finalist and winner in competitions such as the Concurs Internacional d’Art Premi Ciutat de Barcelona-Agbar, the Premi de Fotografia Vila Casas, the Wellcome Photography Prize, DOCfield Dummy Award, l’Organ Vida International photography festival or the Premi de Fotografía Caixa Terrassa, among others.

I have participated in about thirty solo and group exhibitions and I have carried out portrait courses for refugees, among others.


Additional Information



10.00 – 14.00




Catalan, Spanish




Masía Bas; Av. de Fanals, 13, Platja d'Aro