Excellent participation in the 1st call for FAB projects. A total of 16 projects from 14 participants were received. SUPPORT FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROJECTS As a result of the collaboration between the Mercè Rodoreda Library and the Association Educando la Mirada, the FAB is a new initiative in the...

Call for FAB projects 2019/01 This first call for FAB projects marks the start of the programme to support authors who need help in developing their personal photographic project. FAB: SUPPORT FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROJECTS As a result of the collaboration between the Mercè Rodoreda Library and the Association...

Introducing FABAs a result of the collaboration between the Mercè Rodoreda Library and the Association Educando la Mirada, we present a new initiative in the field of photography; where we offer you a space for creation and learning: the FAB. WHAT IS FAB? FAB is the "photographic...